Provisional Voters Export

To run:  REPORTING > Election Reports > Voter Lists > Provisional Voters Export

This report is a text file listing the voters who cast provisional ballots in the selected election. This export includes the following data columns: Election Number, Tracking Number, Voter Name, Voter ID, Date, Early Voting, Voting Location, Assigned Precincts, Ballot Style, Ballot Number, Tabulated, Operator, Reason For Provisional, Local Reason For Provisional, Findings, Reason Ballot Not Tabulated, Former Party, Former Change Date, Address, Home Phone, Mobile Phone, and Voter Email.

The file name is:

ProvisionalVotes<date and time>.TXT.

By default, the file is saved in the location specified in REPORTING > Flexible Reports > FlexRep Options > Path for Export Work Files, but you can change this location when you run the report.