Election Status

To access: ELECTIONS > Change Election Status


ELECTIONS > Maintain Election Settings > Election Maintenance > Change Status/Default

On this dialog you can:

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

Make Default/Default Election

The default election is the election that is used by the Counter program for processing in-office absentee and early voting ballots and, for users who have not been granted the permission ChangeElectionFocus, the election in focus. It applies system-wide. Typically, the nearest upcoming election or the election that most users in the elections office are currently working on is selected as the default election.

Click Make Default to set the election in focus as the default election.

If the election in focus is the default election, this button is labeled Default Election and is disabled.

See Determine which Election is the Default Election for related information.

Election Status

Select the current status of the election.


Save your change to the default election or the election's status.