Find an Election Worker

To access: ELECTION WORKERS > Worker Maintenance

On this dialog you can search your election worker list for a worker's work record. You can search on any of the fields on the Search by Name tab. You can also search by their residence address on the Local Search by Address tab.

The search, unless modified by the options described , looks at election workers with these work statuses:

  • Y, Active Election Worker
  • I, Interested Voter
  • U, Unavailable Election Worker
  • N, Not a Worker (only if the voter was a worker in the past and therefore has a worker record)

See Find an Election Worker's Work Record for more information.

If your objective is to create a worker record for an out-of-county worker, click New to open the Find a Voter dialog. See Add and Maintain Out-of-County Workers for more information.

Search By Name Tab

Last Name (Voter ID)

An entry in this field is required. Click the down arrow to select a record from the last 20 voter records you accessed.

To search for a record, enter either the voter registration ID number or the worker's last name. You can use wildcard characters in the last name. Use the underscore character (_) to replace a single character; use the percent sign (%) to replace multiple characters. Here are some examples:

String with Wildcard(s)

Finds Workers with these Names











If a worker has a hyphenated surname, such as Adams-Smith, you can search for the full name:


or you can use the % wildcard like this:




First Name

Optional. Wildcard characters are permitted.

Middle Name

Optional. Wildcard characters are permitted.

Date of Birth

Optional. Use the format MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY, where YY is the last two digits of the birth year.

Driver License

Optional. Enter the worker's Florida driver license or Florida identification number. A partial number is acceptable.

Social Security Number

Optional. Enter the worker's social security number, either the entire number or the last four digits.

If you enter a partial number, such as the last four digits, you must enter it in its proper position in the field, for example,


Not this:  

The program searches against social security numbers in worker maintenance records, not those in voter registration records.

Telephone Number

Optional. Enter the worker's phone number. A partial number is acceptable; for example, you can leave off the area code, but the numbers must be in their proper positions in the fields. (For instance, if you are searching on the last four digits of the phone number, the digits must be entered in the last four places in the Telephone Number field.) All three phone number fields in worker maintenance records are searched for a match to the numbers you enter.

Email Address

Optional. Enter the worker's email address, as entered in their worker record. (The search does not look at the email fields in their voter registration record.)

Clear Request Fields

Click to erase any data in currently displayed in the search fields.

Show Active Election Workers Only

Limit the search to workers whose worker status is Y, Active Worker.

Include Terminated Workers

Include workers whose work status is Terminated.

Include Deleted Voters

Include voters whose voter registration status is Deleted.

Search/Last Worker

Click to initiate a search against the local database. Pressing the Enter key will also initiate a search. The button is labeled Last Worker when you have conducted previous searches in this session.

Local Search by Address Tab

Street Address fields

A value in the Street Name field is required. Voter Focus will return a list of street segments matching your search. You can use wildcard characters (% and _) in the street name. For example:


will return all street segment names containing hill, such as:

Asbury Hill

Grovehill Ct

Phillips Rd

If you enough information to narrow the search for a specific address, Voter Focus will return a list of the election workers residing at that address.

You may type a valid Mailing City in the mailing city field or select a city name from the drop-down list. If the mailing city has multiple zip codes, and you do not select a zip code, the search will be for all zip codes in the selected city.