Get Out the Vote Report

To access:  EViD > Get Out the Vote Report

This dialog lets you specify the location and other parameters for running the Get Out the Vote Report. The report is output as a Microsoft Excel comma-separated values (CSV) file. The report includes each voter's residential address, precinct, and party.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

Options (on menu bar)

By default, the report runs once per hour. To change the interval, click Options and enter the hour, minute, and second in the Default Wait Time field. For example, to have the report run once every 30 minutes, enter 00:30:00. Click OK to save the new interval.

Save Report(s) In:

Specifies the folder where the report will be placed. To select a different folder, click Browse and navigate to the new folder.


Opens File Explorer showing the files in the output folder.

Run In/Go/Stop

To have the report run at regular intervals, click Go. The Run In field will show the time left before the next run of the report.

The automatic runs stop occurring at midnight. To halt the automatic runs before then, click Stop.

Report Includes

Note: This report does not include Protected Voters.

Has Voted—Lists those who have already voted in the report. The report file name will be Voted.csv.

Hasn't Voted—Lists voters who have not yet voted in the election. The report file name will be Voted.csv.

Note: The report will include those whose voter registration status is Pending.

If you select Hasn't Voted only, the name of the output file is still Voted.csv, even though the contents are voters who have not voted.

Has Voted and Hasn't Voted—Outputs both groups to the report. The report file name will be Voted.csv.

Separate Files—This check box is active when Has Voted and Hasn't Voted are selected. Selecting Separate Files outputs the two voter lists to separate files named Voted.csv and NotVoted.csv.

Select Election

Opens the Voter Focus Select Election dialog where you can pick the election you want to report on.

Run Now

Click to run the report immediately. The field Elapsed Timeshows how long it took to compile the report.

Queue Files for Web

Select this option to also have the report uploaded to your VR Tower website for pickup by candidates who are set up to receive this report. See How to Give a Candidate Access to the GOTV Report.


Closes the Get Out the Vote Report dialog.