How to Fix Issues Found by the QA Process
This topic is for users who are performing QA on applications enter by another user, who have found problems that cannot be corrected using the quality assurance verification process.
The voter you selected is not the same voter selected by the user who originally processed this application. If the QA user is sure they have the correct voter, all changes by the previous user must be reversed before the application can be QAed. The QA user should click Dismiss on the Application QA Verification dialog. This opens the Dismiss QA Application dialog where the QA user can make notes about the problem and produce a spreadsheet listing the new and old field values before the application is removed from the Quality Assurance Queue. Then they will need to:
If a digital image of the application has been indexed to the wrong voter's record, follow the procedure in How to Move an Scanned Image from One Voter to Another.
Restore_the_Overwritten_Record_to_its_Original_State. Be sure to print a copy of the image and verify that you got a good, readable printout. You'll use it in step 3 to process the application for the correct voter.
Using the printout of the application you made in step 2, make the changes to the correct voter.
If a digital image of the application has been indexed to the wrong voter's record, follow the procedure in How to Move an Scanned Image from One Voter to Another.
Treat the incorrectly created new voter as an office duplicate. See How to Process a Duplicate Registration Discovered by Your County.
Open the record of the correct voter and click the Doc Images tab. Find the application image you moved from the incorrect record. Print the application image to use for data entry on the correct voter record.
Open the application of the correct voter and, using the printout, make the changes to the voter's onscreen application.
Click Dismiss on the Application QA Verification dialog. This opens the Dismiss QA Application dialog where the QA user can make notes about the problem and produce a spreadsheet listing the new and old field values before the application is removed from the Quality Assurance Queue.
Consult with the previous user about the denial reason. If you still believe the denial reason is incorrect, you will need to reprocess the application as a new application. In the application with the incorrect denial reason, enter an Office Note indicating what happened.