Voter New Address

To access:  VOTER REGISTRATION > Voter Registration > {voter} > Vote-By-Mail tab > Post Early Voting Adjustment > Address Change


VOTER REGISTRATION > Record Correspondence from Voter > {voter} > Address Change Inside State


VOTER REGISTRATION > Voter Registration > {voter} > Vote-By-Mail > Early In office Vote > Address Change


EARLY VOTING > Early /Counter Voting > {voter record} >Address Change

On this dialog you can update a voter's name, residential, and mailing addresses. You can also change the military setting for the voter. Changing a voter name or address via the Early/Counter Voting application generates an Absentee Correspondence entry on the voter's Comms tab in their record. It also generates an entry on the voter's Audit tab.

It's important to make any changes before you issue the voter a Vote-By-Mail or early voting ballot.

Note:  When updating the mailing address, avoid putting anything in the Country field other than the name of a foreign country, because any entry in this field automatically makes the voter an overseas voter. Do not use, for example, the county name.

If you are only updating the voter name, enter the new name in the Name field(s) and click OK.

If you are changing the residential address, enter the changes and then click Edit Address to verify the new address against the list of valid street segments in the Voter Focus database.

  • If no message appears, the address is valid.
  • If the address cannot be validated against the list of valid street segments in your county, the following message displays:

Invalid address - Do you want Street Lookup?

You should then perform a street search to verify that you have the correct mailing city and other address components. Voter Focus will enter the correct zip code, if you haven't already entered it.

  • If you changed the County field and the address in the voter's new county cannot be validated by FVRS, the following message displays:

Invalid Address

Click Cancel to abandon the address change. See Third-Party Address Changes for more information.

Click Fix Residence City/Zip after entering a new residence street address. This will verify the street segment and enter a new city/zip, if necessary. It also verifies the voter's after entering a new residence street address. This verifies the street segment. Enter a new city/zip, if necessary. It also verifies the voters district and precinct assignments.

Click OK to save the new address. Click Cancel to abandon all changes made.