Copy the Street Table to FVRS

To access: STREETS & PRECINCTS > Street Utilities > Copy Street Table to FVRS

This program copies the street table (Streetm) from the database to the state system, so residential addresses in the two systems can be in sync.

This process is completed automatically by the FVRSSendST02 program, which generates an STO2 file containing the information from your street table each time it runs. That file is transferred automatically to FVRS every 28 days unless you manually schedule it to occur sooner by clicking this button.

Note: If an error message related to a STO2R file (which is a response file from FVRS) appears in your Voter Focus Admin dashboard, please contact VR Systems Support for assistance.

When you run this program, you will see a message indicating when the street table is scheduled to be copied to FVRS.