Assign Stops on a Delivery Route

To add, reorder, and remove stops on a delivery route:

  1. Go to ELECTIONS > Place Maintenance.
  2. On the Find Place dialog, select a place or click Cancel to dismiss the dialog. It isn't necessary to select a place to maintain delivery routes.
  3. On the Place Maintenance dialog's toolbar, click Utilities > Delivery Routes. The Delivery Routes dialog displays a list of the current routes in the left pane and, for each selected route, the assigned stops in the right pane.
  4. In the left pane, highlight the delivery route with stops you want to assign and click Maintain Delivery Route.
  5. On the Maintain Delivery Route dialog, all your polling places (type PP), early voting sites (type EV), and election centers (type EC) are listed in the left pane (Available Stops). Stops already assigned to this route are listed in the right pane (Stops on this Route) in the order they are intended to be made.

Places not currently assigned to a delivery route have the note <unassigned> in the Delivery Route column.

If a place is assigned to another delivery route, you will see that delivery route name rather than <unassigned>. Should you choose to add the place to the current delivery route, the system will confirm you want to remove it from the other delivery route and reassign it to the current one.

You can sort the list by clicking a column heading. For example, clicking the Delivery Route heading allows you to easily see the available stops by grouping together all that are unassigned.

  1. Do any of the following:
    • Update the route name or route information.
    • To add a stop, highlight a row in the Available Stops pane and click . You can select multiple stops by holding down the Ctrl key as you highlight the stops.
    • To remove a stop from the route, highlight a row in the Stops on this Route pane and click .
    • To reorder the stops on the route, highlight a row in the Stops on this Route pane and click the or arrow to move it to the desired order in the route.
  2. Click Accept Changes to return to the Delivery Routes dialog. The new stop assignments are displayed in the Stops on this Route pane.

  3. Note: To ignore any changes you've made, including modifications to the route name, route info, and stops, click Discard Changes.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.

  5. Important: The changes you made on the Maintain Delivery Route dialog are not saved to the database until you click Save on the Delivery Routes dialog.

For more information, see Delivery Routes.