Maintain Delivery Route

To access:  ELECTIONS > Place Maintenance > Utilities > Delivery Routes > Maintain Delivery Route

On this dialog you can assign polling place stops to the route, modify the route name, and add special instructions for the route, which will appear on reports.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

Route Name

The name of the delivery route. To change the route name, simply edit the field. Route names can be long or short and can consist of numbers, letters, and special characters.

The route name is also displayed on the Place Maintenance dialog's Delivery tab.

Special Instructions

A free-form text field used to note any details pertaining to the route. This field is included in the delivery route reports (Delivery Route Stops and Delivery Truck Route Plan).

Available Stops

Lists all polling places in your system and the delivery routes to which they are assigned. The notation <unassigned> indicates the place is not currently a stop on any delivery route.

Use the right and left arrows to assign and unassign stops on the current route by moving the place name between the Available Stops and Stops on this Route lists.

A place can only be assigned to one delivery route at a time. If a place is already assigned to another delivery route, assigning the place to the current route automatically removes it from the other route.

Places that are designated as an Unused Place on the Place Maintenance dialog are not included in the list.

Stops on this Route

Lists the places assigned as stops on the current delivery route.

Use the up and down arrows to reorder the sequence of the stops.

Each stop has an internal sequence number indicating its position in the list of stops. This sequence number is displayed on the Place Maintenance dialog's Delivery tab.

Accept Changes

Closes the dialog and returns you to the Delivery Routes dialog showing the updated stops for the route.

Important: You must click Save on the Delivery Routes dialog to save any new route assignments to the database.

Discard Changes

Ignores unsaved changes you've made in this session of the dialog, including modifications to the route name, route instructions, and stops.

For more information, see Delivery Routes.