Delivery Routes

The delivery route feature helps you efficiently deliver equipment and supplies to polling places and early voting sites in preparation for election day. In the Voter Focus system, a delivery route is a named entity to which stops are assigned. The stops are ordered in a specified sequence.

Delivery routes are not election specific. Therefore, the system does not take into account temporary polling place overrides, combined precincts, same-board precincts, and precincts that are not voting in an election. When setting up the stops on a delivery route, you will need to know which precincts are voting—and the polling place where each precinct is voting for the election you are working with.

The delivery route and sequence number of the stop are shown on the Delivery tabs in CallTrack and on the Place Maintenance dialog.

Election centers can be added as stops on a delivery route; however, they are not included in the delivery reports, as these reports only address stops where early or election day voting will be taking place.