Inactivate Voters

Biennial List Maintenance


An Active voter can be inactivated (that is, have their status changed to Inactive) when:

  • A Final Notice sent to the voter is returned by the U.S. Postal Service as undeliverable and the notice is recorded in VOTER REGISTRATION > Record Undeliverable Mail.


  • All of the following conditions are met:
    1. Mail from the elections office to the voter was returned by the USPS as undeliverable. Processing the undeliverable mail automatically schedules the voter to receive a Final Notice, and;
    2. The Final Notice was sent to the voter, and;
    3. The voter has had no voter activity, such as voting, requesting a mail ballot, or responding to the notice, within 30 days of the notice being sent.

The Inactivate Voters program works by searching for:

  • All Final Notices to Active voters returned as undeliverable in the past year.

  • All Final Notices sent to Active voters more than 30 days ago and within one year of the "effective date," which is a date you specify when you start the run. Normally, the effective date should be today's date.

The Inactivate Voters program finds all voters meeting these criteria and converts their status to Inactive. The program is typically run as part of the biennial list maintenance required by the State, but we recommend you run it on a monthly basis to save costs on mailouts going to Active voters. Some counties run Inactivate Voters more frequently than monthly.

The program eliminates those where there has been voter activity, such as voting or a response to the notice. Search results are displayed in an onscreen list. Review the list carefully to be sure there are no voters who should not be made Inactive.

If a voter has been unresponsive to a Final Notice but has an outstanding Vote-By-Mail request, they will still appear on the list of voters to be made Inactive, although the list will not show that they have outstanding requests. We recommend you share the list with your Vote-By-Mail coordinator so they can handle the requests in accordance with your county's procedures.

Users must have the permission MoveActiveToInactive to run the program.