Last Updated: 06/02/2022
Add a Video to a Course
- Select the training section where you want the video to appear.
- In the training section editor, position the cursor where you want the iframe containing the video to appear.
- Click the Media
- On the Embed Media Content dialog, paste the URL to the video in the URL field. An iframe to hold the video will appear in the editor.
- In the Resize
Type (videos only) field, if you want your video to automatically
resize to the best size for the device being used to view it, select
Responsive Resize. If you
want the video to resize to a specific size on devices with smaller
screens, select Specific Resize
and then enter values in the Width
and Height fields. Otherwise,
set this field to No Resize.
Note that the Width and Height values are measured in pixels. Note that proportional values are not maintained as they can be for images.
- Use the Alignment field to position the image on the left, center, or right of the training section. If you leave the value at None, the image will be positioned according to the alignment of the text paragraph where it's positioned.
- Click OK to embed the video.
- If you want to modify the properties of the video, double-click on the video to return to the Embed Media Content dialog.