Last Update: September 19, 2016


Demographic Totals

To run:  REPORTING > Reports > Vote-by-Mail Reports > Summary Totals Reports > Demographic Totals by District for Absentee and Early Voting


REPORTING > Reports > Vote-by-Mail Reports > Summary Totals Reports > Demographic Totals by Precinct for Absentee and Early Voting


REPORTING > Reports > Vote-by-Mail Reports > Summary Totals Reports > Countywide Demographic Totals for Absentee and Early Voting

These reports provide statistical information on the ballots requested, delivered and returned for the various party groups by age range, race, sex, and military/civilian status. The report you choose determines how these demographic groups are ordered: by district, precinct, or countywide. These groups are ordered by and by party, by precinct , or by city precinct. Canceled ballots are also shown. The reports can be run for early votes, mail-ballot voting, or both.

Totals by District:  Only the district types CC, SB, SEN, HSE, and CNG are analyzed.

Totals by Precinct:  Information is divided by precinct.

Countywide Totals:  Produces a page of totals for the entire county.

When you run the report, you are asked to choose the election and select whether to report on mail-ballot voters, early voters, or a combination of both.

In the reporting on mail-ballot voters, it is not unusual to see a decrease in the totals for Mailed and Requested ballots from one report run to the next. A decrement occurs when a voter who requested a mail ballot decides to vote during early voting. This removes their vote from the Req or Mailed column for mail-ballot voting and adds them to the totals for early voting.

This example shows the totals by district for all districts in the county.

This example shows the totals by precinct for all districts in the county.

This example shows the countywide demographic totals.