Last Update: August 05, 2015 |
This is the master table for information on each vote-by-mail ballot issued for every election, from the initial request through delivery and return-processing.
Election_Number |
Election number. |
Ballot_Style |
Ballot style. |
Abs_Ballot_Number |
Ballot number. |
Bar_Code_Search |
System-used column to assist with ballot returns. |
Certificate |
Voter registration ID. |
Date_Delivered |
Date the ballot was released to the voter. |
Date_Returned |
Date the ballot return was logged into the system. |
Adv_Abs_Ballot |
Indicates whether the ballot is advance or vote-by-mail: Abs—Vote-by-mail ballot Adv—Advance ballot |
Signature_Difference_Flag |
Reason code for referring ballot to canvassing board. Codes are interpreted by the Absrsnl table. |
Delivery_Method |
Method by which ballot was delivered: 1—Mail 2—Unused 3—Unused 4—Early voted (including in-office absentees and EViD check ins) 5—Pickup absentee (by voter) 6—Faxed 7—Pickup absentee (by voter's representative) 8—Email 9—Electronic ballot (online) 10—Mailed to first-time voter (MARG voter). |
Record_Type |
System use only. |
Voting_Method |
T—Touch screen (DRE) O—Optical scan |
Returned_Undeliverable_Flag |
Y indicates the ballot was returned as undeliverable by USPS. |
BallotSeq |
System use only. |
Operator_Number |
Operator making last change to row. |
Date_Last_Record_Change |
Date of last change to row. |
Early_Vote_Location |
Unused. |
ImagePath |
Used in Pitney Bowes Relia-Vote system. |
DateImageAdded |
DateProcessed |
RecordLockDate |
LockUser |
Ballot_Address_1 |
Ballot_Address_1 through Ballot_Country columns specify the address where the ballot was sent. |
Ballot_Address_2 |
Ballot_Address_3 |
Ballot_City |
Ballot_State |
Ballot_Zip |
Ballot_Country |
PB_Sort_Envelope_Seen |
Used in Pitney Bowes Relia-Vote system. |
Auto_Sig_Verification_Flag |
Used in counties using Pitney Bowes Relia-Vote or Generic Envelope Reader equipped with automated signature recognition/verification capabilities to indicate whether external system approved the voter's signature. |
USPSConfirmOneCode |
Used in counties using the USPS Confirm One Interface as the outgoing code printed on evelopes scanned by USPS. |
Email_Address |
The email address to which the ballot is to be/has been sent. |
Ballot_Fax_Number |
The fax number to which the ballot is to be/has been sent. |
Ballot_UOCAVA_Flag |
Y indicates the ballot qualifies as UOCAVA . |
Ballot_Overseas_Address |
Y indicates the ballot is going to/went to an overseas address. |
Return_Batch |
The number of the batch in which the ballot was return-processed. |
Sequence_Within_Batch |
The sequence number of the ballot within the return batch. |
Ballot_Return_Method |
Method voter used to return or vote the ballot: C—Counter (in-office absentee or handed in) E—Email F—Fax M—Mail P—Election day vote W—Web (experimental online systems) Z—Early vote |
Temporarily_Away |
Y indicates the ballot was returned by the USPS as undeliverable with a reason of Temporarily Away. |
Absent_Domestic_Military |
Y indicates the voter's military status and mail-ballot address categorize them as absent domestic military for this election. |
DeliveryRunType |
Indicates the run used in Return Ballots program to deliver ballot to voter: 1—DomesticMilitary 2—Supervised 4—OverseasMilitary 5—Fax 7—Overseas Civilian 8—MARG 9—Email 10—DomesticCivilian 11—AbsentDomesticMilitary |