Process Address Changes Submitted Through Your Website
Address change requests submitted through the Address Change Service on your VR Tower website appear in the Suspense Queue. From the queue, you can review individual applications and from the Web Address Change dialog, complete processing on them.

> Suspense Queue.
- To sort the grid, click any column header.
- The column labeled In Date shows the date the record was suspended.
- To search for specific records, enter name and/or ID criteria in the filters above the grid. You can enter complete or partial criteria.
- To see only address changes submitted through your website, select Web Address Changes below the grid.
- To retrieve a suspended application, double-click its line in the list. If the message "This voter's FVRS record has changed since this address change request was submitted." appears, you can click OK to dismiss the message, but exercise care in processing this suspense record.
- Review the information on the Web Address Change dialog.
- If the voter submitted a new residence address, review the address provided. If necessary, make adjustments to the segmented address so that it complies with your county's Streets table and the intent of the voter, then select the Update Residence check box.
- If the voter submitted a new mailing address, review the address provided by the voter (click Show All to see more of the address) and the address as interpreted by Voter Focus. If necessary, make adjustments to the Mailing Address fields so that the values entered comply with your county's rules for mailing addresses, then select the Update Mailing check box.
- If the message "Voter indicated Mailing Address is the same as new Residence Address above." appears in the mailing address section, select the Update Mailing check box to update the existing mailing address.
If the voter submitted a new email address or phone number and you want to update the email address and phone number on file for the voter with the new information, select the Update Email and Update Phone check boxes.
If you do not have enough information to update one or more of the fields on the form or if the residence address cannot be corrected to comply with your county's Streets table, see What If There's Insufficient Information to Process a Web Address Change Request?.
If you want to keep a printed paper record of the request, select the Print Unresolved Address Change Sheet check box.
Click Save Selected Changes.
If the message Invalid address - Do you want Street Lookup? appears, click Yes. Use Street Lookup to attempt to correct the residence address. Click Save Selected Changes when done.