Vote-By-Mail Addresses

To access:  Vote-By-Mail > Vote-By-Mail Request > {voter} > Add Address or Default Ballot Address


VOTER REGISTRATION > Voter Maintenance > {voter} > Vote-By-Mail tab > Vote-By-Mail Address

Voters who request mail ballots have the option of providing the elections office with addresses to which ballots should be sent other than their mailing or residence address. When such alternate addresses are provided, they are maintained on the Vote-By-Mail Addresses dialog. The dialog has space for two types of addresses:

Default Ballot Address is typically used when a voter requests mail ballots for an entire election cycle or the voter makes a mail ballot request via a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA), which entitles them to Vote By Mail through the next regularly scheduled general election for federal office. If a voter has a default ballot address, the text Def-AbsAdd appears in the lower-left corner of the Maint tab of their voter record.

Ballot Address for this Election is an address used only once—for a single, specified election. If a voter has specific election addresses for multiple elections, the Prev Election and Next Election buttons are available to display the other addresses. (If you access the dialog by clicking Default Ballot Address, the Ballot Address for this Election box does not appear.)

Once an election date has passed, the value in Ballot Address for this Election cannot be changed unless the election's status is Active or Return Processing Only. If you attempt to change the address, you are asked to confirm the change:

The election is in the past. Are you sure you want to do this? UOCAVA and Overseas flags will not be updated.

Click OK to continue with the address change.

When deciding where to send a mail ballot for an election, the system looks for addresses in this order and takes the first one it finds:

  1. Ballot address for this election
  2. Default ballot address
  3. Mailing address
  4. Residence address