Voter Maintenance—Maint Tab

To access: VOTER REGISTRATION > Voter Maintenance > {voter}

This dialog lets you maintain name, address, party, and other identifying information about a registered voter.

Fields and Controls on this Dialog

Correspondence Click to record correspondence from a voter.
Add File Click to add a file to the voter's record.
Office Note Click to add an internal office note to the voter's record.
Last The voter's last name.
Style The style to a name, such as JR or III, if applicable.
First The voter's first name.
Middle The voter's middle or maiden name/initial.

The voter's last and first name are required. The middle name is optional.

Driver License & Source

Voter's FL Drivers License or FL ID Number. The Source field directly following Drivers License is related.

F, Form—Select this code if you obtained the drivers license or FL ID number from the application.

P, Proof—Select this code if:

• the applicant showed a FL Supervisor of Elections employee their drivers license or FL ID card and you obtained the number from the document itself


• the applicant included a photocopy of their drivers license of FL ID card with a mailed-in application.

D, DMV—Do not use this code. It is not intended for county use.

Soc Sec Num & Source

Last four digit of the voter's Social Security Number. The Source field directly following Soc Sec Num is related.

  • F, Form—Select this code if you obtained the drivers license or FL ID number from the application.
  • P, Proof—Select this code if:
    • the applicant showed a FL Supervisor of Elections employee their drivers license or FL ID card and you obtained the number from the document itself


    • the applicant included a photocopy of their drivers license of FL ID card with a mailed-in application.
  • H, HSMV—Indicates the driver license, Florida ID, or social security number has been verified by HSMV.
Nbr The voter's residential address street number.
Suf A suffix to the street number, such as A.
Dir The street's compass direction, such as NE.
Street Name

The voter's residential address street name.

If the Addr Protect field is selected on the Maint tab, the residence address data is replaced by the text ** Protected ** in the Street Name field in the voter record and on printouts such as precinct registers and reports.

Type The street type, such as AVE, RD, or ST.
Dir The street's suffix compass direction.
Unit Type The building type, such as apartment (APT).
Nbr The apartment or unit number.
City Name Voter's residential address city.
County This is a display-only field indicating the voter's county of residence.
Zip Code Voter's residential address zip code.

The voter's mailing address. A voter's record should only have a mailing address listed if it is different from the residential address.

If you enter any data in the Mailing address fields, the first line, City, and Zip Code fields must contain an entry. And either the State or Country field must contain an entry. If the Country field has an entry, Voter Focus considers the voter an overseas voter and will add the notation Overseas to the Maint tab.

City The voter's mailing address city.
State The voter's mailing address state.
Zip Code The voter's mailing address zip code.
Country The voter's mailing address country.
Note: If anything is entered in the mailing address Country field, Voter Focus will flag them as an Overseas voter. Their Overseas status will be noted on the bottom left corner of the Maint tab.
Email Address

The voter's email address, if they chose to provide it on their application.

Note: This field will attempt to validate the any email address entered. If the user does not input a valid email address, they will receive the following prompt: "The email address is not recognized as a valid email address. System will not be able to send emails to the email. Do you want to save it anyway?" The user must answer "Yes" or "No" to continue processing.
Receive Sample Ballot by Email Select if the voter has indicated they would like to receive sample ballots by email to the address provided.
Language Preference The voter's preferred language.
Sex The voter's sex. The valid entries for this field are M (male), F (female), U (unknown).
Race The voter's race.

The valid entries for this field are displayed in a drop-down list. If the voter has not provided their race/ethnicity, the value is:


If the applicant indicated more than one race, the value is:


Party The voter's identified party affiliation.
Pty Chg Req Dte

The party change request date.

This field should be used when the voter requests a change to their party affiliation.

If the party-change request is made after book closing for a primary where the voter's new party is voting, the party change will automatically be deferred until the day after the election. The old party will still be shown, but it will be highlighted in red. In addition, you will see the button Clear Deferred Party Chg, which allows you to undo a deferred party change, in case it was made by mistake.

See Change a Voter's Party for more information on making changes to a voter's party.

Regn Date The date when the voter's application for voter registration was entered into the database.
See Comms

Select this box to advise coworkers to check the Comms tab for office notes and other valuable voter information. If this box is selected, the field's background will flash in red.

Note that selecting the box does not add an office note; it merely denotes the presence of one.

Reason (Status)

This field indicates the voter's registration status. The status is shown in parentheses and the latest reason for the status— the reason code— is shown prior to the status.

See Voter Status Codes and Associated Reason Codes for a list of the valid status and reason code combinations.

If you change a voter's status to Z(D) Deleted Voter, Voter Focus will display a message reminding you that the record will no longer be editable once the status is changed. (Typically, voters are deleted only by the Delete Ineligible Voters program rather than by an individual user.)

In some cases, Voter Focus will change a voter's status automatically in response to another change affecting voting eligibility. For example, if an Inactive voter requests an absentee ballot, Voter Focus will change their status from Inactive to Active with a reason code of Reinstate because AB request, or 9(A). Other automatic changes to voter status occur when you process a deceased match from FVRS against a local voter or when you run certain List Maintenance tasks.

Date of Birth The voter's date of birth. If the Addr Protect field is selected, the voter's date of birth is not displayed in the voter record and on printouts, such as precinct registers and reports.
Birth Place The voter's place of birth. This is an optional field. The information here is not edited by Voter Focus, so you can enter the information in any format you like.
Telephone & Ext The voter's telephone number and extension, if applicable.
Assistance? If the voter has expressed they will need assistance at the polls, select this box to add the text Needs Assistance in precinct registers.
Addr Protect

Certain individuals, such as judges, police officers, and active duty service members, as well as their families, can request that their resident addresses be concealed in reports or when voter records are accessed by the public or by poll workers on Election Day. If the voter makes such a request and they are determined to be eligible for this privilege, select the Addr Protect? check box.

When an address is confidential, the text in Street Name is replaced by **Protected** on dialogs, reports, and lists. The voter's date of birth is also confidential, appearing as **/**/****.

To display the voter's address and date of birth for the current session of an open record, in the toolbar, click the Utilities drop-down arrow and select Show Confidential Information. After closing the record, confidential information will return to being hidden.

Changes to this field can also be saved for voters who have moved out of county.

Note: This field is enabled only for users who are granted the VotersMaintainProtecteAddresses permission.

ID Required to Vote

If this box is selected, a note will display to the poll worker checking voters in that the voter must show their ID prior to casting their vote.

A voter with this check box selected must provide an ID in order to vote the first time after registering. If they vote by absentee ballot, they must return a copy of their ID with the ballot. This box will be cleared by running the voting history update program for the election in which they showed an ID and voted.

EW Interest? Select this box if the voter expressed interest in being a poll worker on their voter registration application. This automatically creates a Worker record for the voter.
Fed Elections Only

Select this box for voters who move out of the jurisdiction after book closing for a presidential general election and who are therefore unable to vote in the election in their new state. This box should be selected for a voter only after the books have closed for the presidential general election. The Fed Elections Only box is automatically cleared when the voter's record is moved out of your jurisdiction.

Note:  The flagging of a voter as Fed Elections Only should rarely be necessary. It is intended only for voters who move out of state during the book closing period for a presidential general election.
Photo Id Seen Select this box if the voter has shown an elections official a photo ID with a signature or they included a photocopy of their ID with a mailed-in application.
DLN Verified

Read-only field, populated with data sent from FVRS. Possible values:

  • Y, Verified—Authenticity of number verified by the state

  • N, Not Verified—Application must go through validation process

  • P, Proof—Evidence of number provided by the voter as proof

  • X, Not Provided—Voter has yet to provide number

SSN Verified Read-only field, populated with data sent from FVRS. Possible values:
  • Y, Verified—Authenticity of number (last 4) verified by the state

  • N, Not Verified—Application must go through validation process

  • P, Proof—Evidence of number provided by the voter as proof

  • X, Not Provided—Voter has yet to provide number

Submittal Date Read-only field, populated with data sent from FVRS, showing the recorded application postmark or received date.
Military/Overseas/Default Absentee Address/Supervised Voter Indicator

An indicator displays in the lower-left corner of the tab to show if a voter is military, military dependent, or overseas.

See Military/Overseas/Default Absentee Address/Supervised Voter Indicator in the Voter Record.

Photo ID Type If the voter has shown elections officials an ID with a signature, select the ID type from the drop-down menu.
Prior Address Click to see the voter's last address where they were registered to vote, if provided.
Edit Address

Prompts Voter Focus to check the validity of the voter's residence address. It does this by comparing the address to the street table in the database.

In the case of addresses that are protected, clicking Edit Address displays the residence address so it can be viewed or edited.

Note: This field is enabled only for users who are granted the VotersMaintainProtecteAddresses permission.

Printing Click to access the Schedule Document Printing dialog, which displays scheduled notice types and their reasons for being scheduled for the selected voter. If enabled, Print Immediately features are also housed here in the bottom left corner.
Voter Response

Click to record an incoming voter response, such as an address change made over the phone or in person.

Note: A voter response will update voter activity.

The voter's precinct. The precinct is normally assigned automatically when a residential address is entered.

If the precinct number has a red background, the voter's polling place in the next election for which they are eligible has been changed for that election.

Double-click the number to open the Precinct Information dialog that shows direction to the polling place, ballot style information for the voter, and district assignments. If there is a temporary change in the polling place, you will see a notice highlighted in red.

Signature Block

When a voter has multiple signature clips:

  • If you access the voter's record via an FVRS search, the signature clip from FVRS is displayed.

  • If access is via a local search, the clip stored in the database (VotrmSigm table) is displayed. If a clip isn't present in the local database table, the most recent scanned image of a voter registration application or other voter communication is shown.

If you set the Election Day Display Option, you get information about where the voter is located in the precinct register instead. If the voter is not eligible to vote, the reason for the ineligibility is given. (Registered too late, Precinct not voting, etc.)