Maintain Political Party Codes

Voter Focus refers to political parties with a three-character party code. This includes political parties registered with the State as well as any parties added by your county that are not state-registered (NRS).

When a political party receives state registration, the party code and party name is added to the county database's party table by an automatic download from FVRS. If your county has added a party that has the same three-character party code as a newly recognized state party, the download from FVRS will not overwrite the party created by the county. In such cases, you must resolve the conflict by renaming the county-created party with a code that is currently unused and then initiate a download of the party codes from FVRS. (See Download FVRS Codes for instructions.)

Should a party lose state registration, a download from FVRS will modify the party's FVRS party code, changing it to NRS (Not Registered with State). (Note that the FVRS Party Code is a different field than the Party code.) If you want to delete the Party code of a party no longer registered with the state, see Deleting a Party Code, below.

If an FVRS party code changes, see Change a Party Code to Match the FVRS Party Code, below, for instructions on realigning your county code with the new FVRS code.