System Options—Early Voting
To access: VOTER FOCUS ADMIN > System Options > Early Voting
The Early Voting tab holds certain system options for early voting and ballot printing from Voter Focus. You will find other early voting options on theVote By Mail tab.

Print Early Voting Voter Certificate—Enables printing of Early Voting Voter Certificate forms that include the voter's name and voter registration data. This saves office staff the effort of writing this information on the form; they need only obtain the voter's signature and record the type of photo ID provided by the voter. The Early Voting Voter Certificate prints to the Windows default printer of the computer where the early vote is processed.
By default, the Early Voting Voter Certificate
is in English only. To add Spanish text to the certificate, select the
option Spanish/English Dual Language
on the System Options
Default Voting Method—This option sets the default voting method for early voting—either Optical Scan Ballot or Touch Screen Machine. Select the method most commonly used at your early voting locations. The option you select as the default will be pre-selected in the Voting Method box on the Voting Election dialog. The voting method can be changed if the voting method at a particular location is different from the default.

This box contains options for counties who have an interface to ballot printers.
Ballot Printer Interface Type—Select the interface type corresponding to your ballot-printing vendor from the drop-down list.
0, None - Select this option to disable ballot printing.
1, Ballot Printer Type 1 - Select this option when using ES&S Unity for ballot printing.
2, Ballot Printer Type 2 -Select this option when using Runbeck Sentio for ballot printing.
3, Ballot Printer Type 3 - Select this option when using ES&S Balotar (previously named ABS Balotar) or Dominion GEMS for ballot printing.
4, DirectPrint - Select this option when using DirectPrint for ballot printing.
Print Cover Sheet—Select this option if your vendor is Runbeck, ES&S Balotar, or Dominion and you want a cover sheet printed with each ballot.
BP for...—For each type of voting where your office will be printing ballots, select the corresponding check box:
BP for Early Voting
BP for In-Office Absentees
BP for Pickup Absentees
Hide Tiebreaker—Runbeck ballot printers (Ballot Printer Interface Type 2) only. If this option is not selected, a random number is printed on the EViD voting pass or Early Voting Voter Certificate given to the voter after check-in and on the ballot stub or cover sheet of the voter's ballot. This number allows election workers to match the voter with their ballot in environments where a single ballot printer is shared by multiple EViDs or multiple computers running the Counter program during early voting. Some counties prefer to hide this random number because poll workers might confuse it with the ballot number.