Unverified Voters
To run: REPORTING > Reports > List Maintenance Reports > Unverified Voters Report
This report lists applicants for voter registration whose application’s status is Incomplete because the driver license number, Florida ID number, or social security number on their application could not be verified. Such persons are known as unverified voters.
When you run the report, you are asked to enter the starting and ending dates of the period you want to cover. Voters who became unverified during this period and who have not been activated will be listed on the report.
You are also asked to specify the sort order for the report:
Voter Name sorts the report by voter last name.
Precinct sorts the report by precinct. Within each precinct, voters are sorted by registration ID. Selecting Precincts start new page with the Precincts option sorts the list by precinct, with each precinct starting on a new page. Within each precinct, the voters are listed by last name.
Process Date sorts voters by the date when their application was processed as Incomplete.
Unverified voters are also included in the Outstanding DLN and SSN Errors Report. (Voters > Reports > Outstanding DLN and SSN Errors Report), which lists each applicant, the driver license/SSN number they provided, and the corresponding number from HSMV.