Prepare a File of Voter Addresses for an NCOA Vendor
The Florida statute governing biennial list maintenance allows voter address changes to be supplied by an NCOALINK licensee of the USPS in lieu of a mass mailing. Typically, the NCOA vendor's fee for this service is much less than the postage costs for a mailing.
The complete list of Active and PreReg voters plus address must be submitted to the NCOA vendor (not just those who have had no activity). The exception report returned by the vendor will contain address changes for the entire Active/PreReg-voter roster. Although this is likely to result in more data entry than a mailing, you can be confident that your Active-voter addresses will be as up-to-date as possible for the next election cycle.
The remainder of this topic explains the steps you need to take to create a voter file for delivery to an NCOA vendor.
The procedure described in this section prepares the voter registration database to export as clean a file as possible. This will reduce the number of exceptions reported by the NCOA vendor and thus simplify the processing of the vendor's return file.
Verify all street addresses conform to USPS standards. Check the Street table in your database to confirm that all street names and abbreviations are standardized. For example, Avenue must be abbreviated as AVE in all caps. (If you have questions about the Postal Service requirements, visit:
Remove punctuation from voter addresses. Use the FlexRep program to list your voter addresses and scan the list to ensure none contain prohibited punctuation. For example, P.O. Box must be represented as PO BOX.
Voter Focus produces three file formats for export to an NCOA vendor.
File Format 1 — Comma-Delimited Text This format contains voter data under the following column headers. Notice that the file contains both a residential address and—if the voter has one—a mailing address. If you do not want to validate both addresses, be sure your NCOA vendor knows which address they are to validate. Default ballot addresses for voting by mail are not included in the file. |
Registration Number Last Name Name Style First Name Middle Name Middle Initial |
Street Number Street Number Suffix Street Dir Street Name Street Type Street Dir Suffix Apartment Number City Name State Zip Code |
Mailing Address 1 Mailing Address 2 Mailing Address 3 Mailing City Mailing State Mailing Zip Mailing Country |
File Format 2 — Time Customer Service This format contains voter data in the following fields. There are no column headers: |
Voter registration number Voter name in First-Middle-Last format (e.g., Jane Carolyn Doe) Mailing address if available, otherwise the residential address City, State, Zip and Country |
File Format 3 — Simplified Export for Commercial Printer This format contains voter data under the following column headers. The mailing address is provided in the Address fields. If the voter has no mailing address, the residential address is used instead. The last |
VoterID Voter_Name Last_Name First_Name Middle_Name Name_Style |
Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 City State Zip Country |
Party City_Code City_Ward Polling_Place Precinct Polling_Place_Name Polling_Place_Location Ballot_Style |
These formats are described in detail in the next section. Different vendors use different file formats, so you should ask your vendor what file format they need before beginning the export. Call VR Systems if you need help adapting the file to meet their requirements.
After consulting with your NCOA vendor to determine the correct file format, use one of the three procedures below to create the file. Check the file to verify it contains valid data and then deliver the file to the vendor.
Using File Format 1 — Comma-Delimited Text |
What it does |
Creates a comma-delimited text (TXT) file named NCOAExport.txt, which can be imported into a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel. |
User permissions needed |
NCOAProcessing NcoaAdministration |
Create the file |
Using File Format 2 — Time Customer Service |
What it does |
Creates a text file with a fixed-length record layout defined by Time Customer Service, Inc. The file name is NCOAExport.txt. |
User permissions needed |
NCOAProcessing NcoaAdministration |
Create the file |
Using File Format 3 — Simplified Export for Commercial Printer |
What it does |
Uses the FlexRep program to create a comma-delimited text file that can be opened in a spreadsheet application. The file name is Exp<YYYYMMDD><HHMMSS>.txt, where <YYYYMMDD> is the creation date and <HHMMSS> is the creation time in 24-hour-clock format. |
User permissions needed |
FlexRep FlexRep:Unprotect |
Create the file |
Data Source Output Option Address Selection Unprotect Addresses |
Voter Register Simplified Export for Commercial Printer Mailing Address selected |