Selecting a Database to Work In
In Voter Focus Admin, you can create copies of your production database for training and redistricting. To work in a different database, switch to that database before starting a Voter Focus program from the Console.
On the Voter Focus console, click the drop-down menu labeled Database and select a database from the list. The system will ask if you want to switch databases. Click OK. Your workstation will continue to be set to that database until you select another, even if you close Voter Focus and start it again.
The production (or live) database is named Normal. Its SQL name is Vr6.
Your other database options could be:
Training—A copy of the Normal database
that can be used for training or testing.
Work done on the Training database does not
affect the records on your county's live system
- Indexing images
- Deleting voter communications
See Create Training Database for more information.
Redistricting—A copy of the Normal database that can be used for congressional redistricting to update street segment, precinct, and district data, and perform testing on the new setup. When you run programs in the Redistricting database, the word Redistricting DB appears in dialog titles. This is to help you remember that you are in the Redistricting database and not the Normal production database.
See Create Redistricting Database for more information.
When you run programs in the Sandbox database, the word Sandbox DB appears in dialog titles and the background of many dialogs is pink.
See Create Sandbox Database for more information.