Voter Turnout
To run: ELECTIONS > Reconcile History > Voting Analysis Reports > Reports-Voter Turnout
This run produces six reports showing turnout by demographic groups and voting method for each voting precinct. The number of voters in the Eligible row reflects the number of Active voters at book closing, whereas the % Turnout totals can include voters who were Inactive status at the time of register generation and who subsequently voted. Therefore, the turnout total could be greater than 100 percent.
The reports include returned absentee ballots, both accepted and referred
Provisional ballots whose status is Tabulated are included in the reports. In the reports where the voting type is broken out (Voted at Polls, etc.), accepted provisional ballots will be tallied under the voting type where the provisional ballot was cast. For example, a provisional ballot cast during early voting and later accepted will be tallied in the Early Voting totals. Accepted provisional ballots are tallied in the voter's assigned precinct, which is entered at the time a provisional ballot is recorded in Voter Focus. (This is not necessarily the precinct where the ballot was cast.) Provisional ballots with the status of Pending or Not Tabulated are not included in the voter turnout reports.
If a voter has multiple votes, only one vote for the voter is included in these totals.
When you run this report, you have the option of first doing a cleanup operation, which will likely yield more accurate results but could take a long time, depending on the size of your database. So the cleanup run is not required if you are doing interim runs just after an election. However, the cleanup must be done for the final Voter Turnout Report, which should be run after the final Voting History Summary report is run. This will ensure the final report is correct and complete.

Split Precinct Voter Turnout Report—Shows totals of eligible voters and those who voted with turnout percentage, broken down by precinct split. A grand total for all precinct splits is shown at the end of the report.
Split Precinct Voter Turnout Analysis—Shows the number of eligible voters in each precinct split and the number who voted, divided by voting method (at polls, absentee, early voting) and gives a percentage of turnout for each precinct split. A grand total for all precinct splits is shown at the end of the report.
Precinct Summary Voter Turnout Report—Shows totals of eligible voters and those who voted with turnout percentage, broken down by precinct. A grand total for all precincts is shown at the end of the report. This report does not show precinct splits.
Precinct Summary Voter Turnout Analysis—Shows the number of eligible voters in each precinct and the number who voted, divided by voting method (at polls, absentee, early voting) and gives a percentage of turnout for each precinct. A grand total for all precincts is shown at the end of the report. This report does not show precinct splits.
District Voter Turnout Report—Shows totals of eligible voters and those who voted with turnout percentage, broken down by district.
District Voter Turnout Analysis—Shows the number of eligible voters in each district and the number who voted, divided by voting method (at polls, absentee, early voting) and gives a percentage of turnout for each district.