About the Archiving of Election Reports
Voter Focus has an archival feature that lets you easily store a PDF copy of Elections and Vote-By-Mail reports. The report PDF is automatically stored in a network folder dedicated to the election for which the report was run. You don't need to create the archive folders or worry about selecting the correct election folder to store your report; Voter Focus takes care of all that for you.
Only the latest version of a report is archived. If you archive the same report a second time, the first version in the folder is overwritten.
Reports other than Elections and Vote-By-Mail reports—such as FlexRep reports—can be stored in an election archive folder, but Voter Focus doesn't do it automatically. You will need to do it manually, a process we explain below in Manually archive a report or other document.
Only files from the production (Normal) database can be archived. The

- Ensure that the election you want is the focused election. If not, click Change Election Focus on the Console and select the election.
- Go to REPORTING > Reports and find the report you want to run.
- Select the Archive Election Reports check box and run the report. After the report displays, click the X in the report's upper-right corner. Because you selected Archive Election Reports, the Do you wish to Archive this report? message displays.
- To archive the report, click Yes. Voter Focus creates a PDF of the report in this location:
- You can view and manage the reports archived for the focused election by going to REPORTING > Report Archive.
\<election number>-<election date>-<election name>
The last node is a subfolder named for the election for which the report was run. For example, say you have an election numbered 412 occurring on Nov. 4, 2025 and named 2025 General Election. The subfolder for this election's archived reports would then be:
\412-2025-11-04-2025 General Election

You can add any existing document to an election's archive. It doesn't have to be a PDF or a report run from Voter Focus. It can be a FlexRep report, a spreadsheet, or any type of file on your system.
- Ensure that the election you want is the focused election. If not, click Change Election Focus on the Console and select the election.
- Go to REPORTING > Report Archive.
- On the Report Archive dialog, click New.
- On the Election Reports Archive Add Item dialog, enter a title or brief description of the file in the Report Type field.
- Browse to and select the network location where the file is stored.
- Click Save. The file is now listed on the Report Archive dialog.