Election Worker Attendance Anomaly Report

To run:  REPORTING > EViD Reports > Election Worker Attendance Anomaly Report

The Election Worker Attendance Anomaly report lists attendance anomalies for election workers who worked a selected election and date range. The reported anomalies include:

  • Missing Clock Out Time—The election worker clocked in and did not clock out the same day.
  • Missing Clock In Time—The election worker clocked out and did not clock in the same day.
  • Election Worker Clocked In > Than 16 Hours For The Day—The time recorded between clock in and clock out times for an election worker is greater than 16 hours.
  • Missing Election Worker Record—Clock in and clock out times were recorded for an election worker who does not have a worker record in the system.

When running the report, you are first prompted to select the applicable election and date range. The default sort order is by the Worked Date value.