Viewing Previous Elections in the County in Which the Voter is Eligible to Vote
Elections are divided into two groups—Upcoming Elections followed by Previous Elections—and within groups elections are shown in ascending order by election date. To view the previously completed elections, click the Previous Elections tab in the ribbon bar. It also provides polling place information and displays their participation in elections held within the past 12 months.
Each election is shown in a box along with pertinent dates (election day, book closing, etc.) and information on the voter’s polling place for that election. If the voter voted in a past election, there is a note indicating how the voter voted.
If a voter registered after book closing for an election for which they were otherwise eligible, they will see the message: You are ineligible for this election as your registration date is after registration closed.
Ballot <ballot number Has Been Referred to Canvassing Board
Your mail ballot (#) for the election being held on [ElectionDate] was received. However, there was a problem with your ballot. Either you did not sign the return envelope or your signature did not match your signature of record. Your ballot cannot be counted unless you complete the Vote-by-Mail Ballot Cure Affidavit. The affidavit and a copy of the required identification must be received no later than 5 pm on [DueDate]. Please carefully follow the instructions provided; failure to do so may result in your ballot not being counted.
Your current local time is [LocalTime]
In the example above, the progress bar shows the ballot has been received but requires additional action from the voter.
This information appears as soon as the ballot has been marked as returned in Voter Focus.
For more information on the status bar, see Checking the Status of a Mail Ballot Request.
On the progress bar one day after the election, one of the following statuses will be added to the display:
Ballot <ballot number> Has Been Counted
Ballot <ballot number> Has Not Been Counted: <reason why>
If the ballot has been marked as a signature issue, the following message appears on a Not Counted tab for 2 days after the election.
For more information on the status bar, see Checking the Status of a Mail Ballot Request.