Process Mail Ballot Requests Received

Vote-by-mail requests submitted via the Mail Ballot Request Service are sent to the Web Vote-by-Mail Request Queue in Voter Focus. This eliminates the need to rekey the information from the request forms into voter records. All that’s required is to check the web request and give Voter Focus the go-ahead to insert it into the voter’s record.

Note: Mail ballot requests that require the voter to complete an affidavit because they chose to have the mail ballot delivered to a new address that is not currently on file with FVRS do not appear in the Web Vote-by-Mail Request Queue in Voter Focus to prevent premature data-entry.

Your county will also receive an email for each voter who has submitted a mail ballot request online. An email is not sent if the voter is required to complete an affidavit.

The email address submitted by the voter will be stored in the E-Mail field on the voter's Vote-by-Mail tab, replacing any previously entered email address. (These emails are not considered public record.)

For a list of the voters who have submitted web requests that have not yet been processed, run the Pending Web Absentee Requests report.

Processing a request from the website creates an entry on the voter's Comms tab called Web Absentee Request. Double-click this entry to see a summary of the request on the View Web Absentee Request dialog.

Note: An entry is not made on the voter's Comms tab if the voter is required to complete an affidavit.

For more information about the processing of web requests, see Process Vote-by-Mail Requests Submitted on Your Website in the Voter Focus Help system.

For mail ballot requests that required an affidavit to returned, when the affidavit is received by your office, you can manually enter the vote-by-mail request. For more information see the following topics in the Voter Focus help system: