About VR Tower

You can easily construct and modify your Supervisor of Elections website by using VR Tower, the website creation and maintenance system from VR Systems. VR Tower allows you to create and maintain professional-quality web pages with little or no knowledge of HTML.

To help you get started, VR Systems provides you with a custom-designed website. You can build your own content on this website by creating new pages and menu items. Your website could contain a home page with general information about a county’s Supervisor of Elections office. Other pages within the site might contain information about voter registration, absentee voting, poll worker qualifications, election dates, and election results. Update these pages and create new pages with information specific to your county. You modify your website through an easy-to-use interface with a third-party content manager from DNN Corp.

Here are some of the tasks you can accomplish with VR Tower:

  • Create a biographical profile on your Supervisor of Elections.
  • Create a page or module on a page that links to the latest election results.
  • Create a page that lists all of your precincts.
  • Create links to web pages on another site; for example, a link to a YouTube video for training or to a page on the Division of Elections website.
  • Provide information on precinct changes.
  • Upload existing text, reports, or PDF files (with information such as a Statement of Votes Cast) to a web page and then create links to them.
  • Upload media files such as video clips that can play on a web page.
  • Set up links to frequently accessed pages as menu items in a dedicated area of every page.
  • Specify formatting options so you can control the appearance of your content on the screen.
  • Drag and drop a variety of modules onto your website pages.

You can accomplish these tasks within VR Tower by choosing options to edit or add your own dynamic web pages, create links to internal pages, external pages, or pages that you upload, and by editing the items that appear in the Main Menu on your site.