Sharing Courses

When you share a course in the ELM library, you are making a virtual copy of the course, its settings, and the course content (including the course sections, test questions, and course resources) available to others. The only content that is not included are your student invites and data related to who has taken the course and their test performance.

Note: Because you are sharing the course content with others, be mindful of any copyright or privacy laws related to images, videos, and documents used in your course.

When you share a course, the actual course content is not immediately uploaded to a server; instead, a reference to the course content on your ELM System is added to the ELM library. If you make changes to a course you previously shared, you do not have to reshare the course for your changes to be available. Because the entry in ELM library is only a reference, when a county downloads a copy of your course, they get the most up-to-date course settings and content from your ELM System.

Once a county has downloaded your shared course, they no longer "receive" changes you make to the course with the exception of embedded images or videos. For more information, see Downloading Courses.